4 Things You Need To Pull Off an Al Fresco Wedding

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The spot chosen for the wedding is an important matter because it has the ability to make or break your wedding.

You can go for the more connected indoors or the more naturally variant outdoors, but if you are going for the latter, you’ll need some tricks up your sleeves to pull it off.

We suggest you start by calling a San Diego Airport Car Service or a San Diego Sedan Service to allow your guests to reach their respective temporary quarters on time and safely. Once the car service has been taken care of, you can take care of the following:

Car Service from San Diego Airport

1.     Select a good outdoor venue:

If you have decided upon an al fresco wedding, you need to make sure this outdoor venue is not just any spot under the sky but a special one. Your best options are beaches, a winery, a sugar plantation, a tree house spot or any special place.

You can go on a hunt in a rented San Diego Sedan Service to be sure.

2.     Light it up:

The day time is perfect, the sunset is magical but the darkness of the night is a buzz-kill. Make sure you have made the right arrangements to light up the area once it goes dark.

San Diego Town Car Service

3.     Always have a plan-B:

No matter how painful the thought is, always have a backup plan in case of outdoor weddings. Imagine the worst case scenarios and how you can respond to them because rain won’t stop for your wedding, neither will thunder or other unexpected interventions.

4.     Stack up:

Read the forecast and plan. If it’s drizzly, have a stock of fluffy towels. If it’s sunny, arrange for floppy hats and straw fans. If it’s cold, then arrange space heaters or pashminas to make your guests feel comfortable during the ceremony.

Feel free to reach out to San Diego Car Service for any queries about Car Service from San Diego Airport or their offers regarding San Diego Sedan Service to make sure that your guests always reach on time with a reliable service. Call us Now at  (619) 738-1618

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